ulu clip art

Growing ʻUlu

Breadfruit trees are a gorgeous addition to a landscape, with their big, deeply lobed leaves. The leaves and fruit are famously depicted in Hawaiian quilt work.

‘Ulu trees begin producing large cantaloupe-sized fruit in 3-5 years. Once established, a tree produces starchy fruit for about 50 years. Plant once, harvest for years.

Is a breadfruit tree right for your yard?

Breadfruit trees reach a height of 40-50 feet, depending on the species you choose to plant. While ‘ulu trees are gorgeous, make sure you provide enough space for the tree to mature.

Trees grow best in tropical regions at elevations below about 2,000 feet, but can be found as high as 5,000 feet.


For incredibly detailed instructions on how to grow ‘ulu successfully, read this production guide co-authored by Craig Elevitch, Diane Ragone, and Ian Cole.

Harvesting ‘Ulu >>>

